Small Business Grant Powered by Jedidiah Gold Ventures

The Small Business Grant is an initiative of Jedidiah Gold Ventures, an international, non-governmental empowerment organization that is non-partisan. Jedidiah Gold Ventures is a registered entity established to contribute to the socio-economic development of youths, especially in Nigeria. We believe it is the businesses of the people in a particular nation that changes the economic fortunes of that nation. Therefore, to change Nigeria economically, more businesses (small businesses) must be enlisted and empowered in this nation.

Our team of experts and other well meaning Nigerians has been able to reach an agreement to provide grants to the teeming Nigerian youth (age bracket 18-40 years) who desperately needs this timely intervention to realize their dreams and aspirations before they become disillusioned and frustrated. This grant is open to Nigerians without gender-biased and will be duly monitored to achieve its main aim of empowering youths in their various entrepreneurial pursuit.

The main focus of this grant initiative is towards the empowerment of micro and small Grassroot businesses run by young people who have little or no access to funding and are grossly marginalized in the business space. Please note, though grants will be given however, the grants given will be meticulously monitored to ensure that the funds are used judiciously.

Are you a youth? Do you have a business idea or project you need between N10,000 – N50,000 to execute? Or you need to expand your already existing business? That’s why we exist !

To know more about us, Click the link below

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